Thursday, March 3, 2011

Been such a long time!

Okay sis, you have made me feel the need to add the trivial aspects, and some not so trivial, to this. I have to say that when I started I was all fired up and believed it was way that I would be able to share things with all the people who have been something like dandelions and scattered around - either physically or emotionally - hence one of the reasons for this. The other was, as I mentioned - a way of trying to capture some aspects of my travels.
Sadly, I have to say, neither really worked, so I am following your advice my dear little sister, and forging ahead regardless!
We will see what will become of things, but I have spruced things up a little and changed the page to reflect something a little more of who I am and what I am feeling at present - so I hope you all enjoy the tranquil background.
The next day will be spent rushing from one meeting to the next and one appointment to the next, but on Saturday and Sunday I am planning to spend some time on my art course and do some painting - which I am SOOOOOOO looking forward to!
I also have the excuse that with recovering from the mild concussion and whiplash I can take things a little easy - isn't it silly how we have to make excuses to spend time on ourselves?
Oh well, all for the time being.
Love to all!

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