Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sunday afternoons and other thoughts

Well, been quite a while, and sort of wonder whether this is a simple entry into cyber space that is worth more than just my thoughts and ideas! Funny, I have often wondered whether the blogs have any relevance in other people's lives! I think they do when one is famous, but when you are just "little old me" that is something different! :-)

Been a crazy week after the most sublime week in Cape Town. I had to make sure that the exchange student who is visiting and I managed to get onto the Conference and Post Conference that the weather we experienced down there was NOT the norm - but instead, that was the weather we usually enjoy in Gauteng and the weather in Gauteng was NOT the usual G weather, but rather the Cape type weather - all rather topsy turvey.

I made my first visit to Robben Island and was amazed by both the meaningfulness of the place, but also of the dichotomy that existed there - the beauty from the island (on that day at least!) - and then the absolute stark almost cruelty of nature that reflected what the island has basically stood for for so many years. The trees and plants are completely "attacked" by the wind and there is no real place that one can actually gain protection from the elements when they do arrive and settle on the island.

On the day that we all went out we had a sea that was like a still lake with the beautiful idyllic sea as blue as any island destination that looks so beautiful! We went out on a large catamaran that seated over 350 people and travelled across the sea at quite a speed!

The rest of the week was wonderful! Lots of challenge mixed with a good deal of "catching up" with people I had not seen for quite a while. I walked from the bottom of Cape Point, up a rather steep (well, to me at least! :-)) climb, before settling on a relatively steady climb that I could manage quite well. It gave me great satisfaction to be able to look back on something I would never have thought that I could have done. Apart from the beauty that enveloped me, the pristine air that at times I gulped in and at others I was just simply able to fill my lungs with, it was such an incredible experience!

And then to the last week, where there just has not been a moment to catch my breath! I flew back lunch-time Monday and straight into school to ensure I had all "my ducks in a row" for the Colours Meeting at 6 that evening, and then from that point it was simply a case of trying to hang on for dear life as the week whizzed by with work, work, work.

This weekend has, in the main, been a case of catch up. A chance to try and find the DVD that we need to do with our Life Orientation classes and then the rest of the time has been spent as almost "down time". This morning I managed to start the second of my five paintings that I am doing - what a pleasure. Mr Sandman caught hold of me at midday, and so it was a snooze for Mum and I, and then this afternoon has been a gloriously techno intensive time, Skyping Silks, catching up on emails and such like!

And so to the week ahead. A relatively busy one planned - but one where I am looking forward to trying to make some sense of the craziness that exists in my office!


  1. Great blog "little old me"......thanks for sharing your wonderful experiences, which certainly have relevance for those who care about you.

  2. Ditto Margaret's comment! Its great being able to read about your adventures - and they really are adventures that you so deserve - especially when I am so far away. You sound like you're having fun, which is great. I do kep hoping you might adventure my way sometime..........! Miss you loads!
