Saturday, May 21, 2011

The other side of being passionate about life!

Funny how one can try one's hardest to make sure that you are doing the right thing, and then - when it does matter, things fall apart!
This week I have been trying to get some perspective in my life, and it all just seems to be going totally wonky! So much so that I wonder if I am in the right place in terms of work (yet my deep gut tells me I am), and so many other things.
I guess that is where the passionate in life starts to hit one in the gut! The feeling I have at the moment reminds me of a poem by a poet whose name I cannot recall at the moment where he speaks of living life to the fullest to one's dying moment. The only hassle with that is that when one does give over everything, the smallest bump in life's road causes the most awful mess!
I never want to be someone who stops feeling, caring and being passionate about things that matter to me. But, at times like the present, I could happily trade places with someone who does not for a couple of hours or days until the yeach feelings leave.
It all started yesterday morning when I had an early morning appointment with parents of one of the boys who had not made it onto three of the programmes offered in my department of the school activities. The parents are looking for answers - and I can understand that - how else will the guide and help their son, but at the same time, there is a part of them not listening to the answers I provide because they don't want to - and because I cannot push them through with conviction because I have been let down by some of my colleagues and I am trying desperately to protect those self-same colleagues - and personal cost to my own happiness.
Life is tough, and no matter the trite saying of "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" - it is just a saying. Getting rid of that sinking onerous feeling that I have possibly done wrong by one of the boys is not something I can ignore easily. I guess, like with all things in life - "this too shall pass" - but again, I wonder, at what cost to me (and my poor aching inner child)?
Not a good space! :-(

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