So the situation tonight is that all the clocks in the UK are going back an hour in line with daylight saving. So, I am trying to come to terms with the whole thing of time being an hour different to SA, and now all of a sudden, by some decree, it will be two hours different. Am sure I will get my heard around it, but have to confess that despite everyone around here talking about it as if it is as natural as getting dressed, I am going to have to get used to it. So, there you have it - another of my firsts - spending time in a country where they have the clock change for the daylight saving!
We really have been having weather that is just up my alley - even if most of the people around here look at me as though I am mad - which is probably a pretty accurate assessment in any event. It is crisp, and I have to confess that I am enjoying that. How I will adapt when the cold starts to take hold properly, will probably be another story, but for the time being, I am quite happy with this.
Tomorrow morning (Sunday) I will be doing yet another first - going for a walk with my uncle and cousin, while they play golf, on a proper golf course. Golf has never been something that has appealed to me in general. I have a suspicion that it will be a case of (if I try to learn to play it) it will kill me or I will kill it. I do not think I have the personality for golf.
However, my cousin Peter, and my uncle are going to be playing 9 holes at a course that is apparently beautiful, so I will entertain myself with taking pics, taking in the views, and if it all gets a bit much, I will find my way back to the 19th hole, where I am sure they will serve a lovely hot chocolate or something like that!
This last Thursday (as with all Thursdays), my aunt was babysitting my other cousin and his wife's two children, Luke and Emma - 3 and 18 months. First off the bat, I HAVE to say that she has my complete admiration in terms of stamina and ability to keep the two of them focused and on track at all times. She is incredible. I was exhausted and didn't do more than about a quarter of what she was doing!
Having said that, the two are really lovely kids. Emma is a smiley happy baby. I loved watching her when my uncle walked in at lunch time and greeted her. Her whole face came alive as she smiled broadly and that smile resonated all the way through her and was abundantly clear in her eyes. She has gorgeous chubby cheeks - and the most beautiful eyes (as does her brother!).
Although I had brought over a jersey to knit, I have not been all that happy with the way in which it is working, and so the other evening trawled the net and managed to order patterns for all sorts of things (mainly books, so I have a range of patterns that I will be able to use.) They were dropped off on Thursday by the post man - how efficient is that! Anyway, I have a colleague whose wife is preggy with their first child and so wanted to make something for them. I found a lovely pram cover - which I will probably make into a cot blanket and so bought the wool and so forth in order to make this. I was knitting it on Thursday, when little Luke came up to me and asked what I was knitting. When I told him, he was first most confused about the expectant aspect of the baby, but once we had that cleared up, I was then asked why I was not knitting something for him. Well, I could not resist, and so we have found a pattern and bought the wool yesterday, and I have been trying to "get into" that pattern over the last day and a bit, in between other things.
Last night we went around to visit the family, and when Luke noticed that I was now not knitting my jersey, not knitting the baby blanket and knitting something bright blue, he wanted to know what I was knitting once more. Finally I asked him what he would like it to be, and he said he would really like it to be something for him. I relented as this gorgeous little boy looked so earnestly and stated that he would like it to be for him, and informed him that I was indeed knitting for him. Having got approval of both the colour wool and the pattern, we were set.
I went through to get my dinner, and was called back and asked why I was not knitting. A little later when I was messing up the pattern again and so put my knitting aside for a while, I got asked once more why I was not knitting. There is just a certain delight in the manner in which innocent minds work!
Well peeps, I think I am going to call it a night. I have to get up a whole hour earlier tomorrow - and I have to confess that I am not too sure how that will work as my phone automatically changed time zones when we travelled from France to the UK, so will it reset itself for daylight saving, or do I need to set it?
So, I guess I need to work that out instead of writing - so: